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Helsinki study of religions : a reader
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789515119322 9515119324 Year: 2016 Publisher: Helsinki : University of Helsinki,

Magni Aurelii Cassiodori senatoris opera : Complexiones Epistularum et Actuum Apostolorum
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 0589798X ISBN: 9782503568294 2503568297 9782503595894 2503595898 Year: 2016 Volume: 96-98, 98B Publisher: Turnhout Brepols & Publishers

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"The 'Institutiones humanarum litterarum' - that is, the second book of Cassiodorus' masterpiece, devoted to secular learning - have come to us in three different textual forms: the 'authentic' recension Omega, corresponding to Cassiodorus' final wishes, and two subsequent recensions, named Phi and Delta. Here, later interpolations were added starting from an earlier authorial draft, providing modern readers with valuable information about Cassiodorus' progressive revisions and updates. Subsequent additions are also evidence of the early fortune of the 'Institutiones', showing which texts were actively read and studied from the 6th to the 9th centuries. Following Roger Mynors' and Pierre Courcelle's fundamental intuitions, Ilaria Morresi provides the first complete critical edition of the Phi Delta corpora, based on the systematic study of the manuscript tradition. Much attention is paid to the many diagrams included both within the 'Institutiones saeculares' and the interpolations, which are clues to the great importance of images for Early Mediaeval teaching on Trivium and Quadrivium."--

Many convincing proofs
ISBN: 9783110459708 3110459701 9783110460377 9783110460193 3110460378 311046019X Year: 2016 Volume: 221 Publisher: Berlin Boston De Gruyter

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While there have been various studies examining the contents of the evangelistic proclamation in Acts; and various studies examining, from one angle or another, individual persuasive phenomena described in Acts (e.g., the use of the Jewish Scriptures); no individual studies have sought to identify the key persuasive phenomena presented by Luke in this book, or to analyse their impact upon the book’s early audiences. This study identifies four key phenomena – the Jewish Scriptures, witnessed supernatural events, the Christian community and Greco-Roman cultural interaction. By employing a textual analysis of Acts that takes into account both narrative and socio-historical contexts, the impact of these phenomena upon the early audiences of Acts – that is, those people who heard or read the narrative in the first decades after its completion – is determined. The investigation offers some unique and nuanced insights into evangelistic proclamation in Acts; persuasion in Acts, persuasion in the ancient world; each of the persuasive phenomena discussed; evangelistic mission in the early Christian church; and the growth of the early Christian church.

The Davidic shepherd king in the Lukan narrative
ISBN: 9780567667342 0567667340 9780567667359 9780567668684 0567667359 9780567667366 0567667367 0567668681 Year: 2016 Volume: 558 Publisher: New York

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In Luke-Acts, Jesus can be seen to take on the attributes of the Davidic shepherd king, a representation successfully conveyed through specific narrative devices. The presence of the shepherds in the birth narrative can be understood as an indication of this understanding of Jesus. Sarah Harris analyses the multiple ways scholars have viewed the shepherds as characters in the narrative, and uses this as an example of how the theme of Jesus' shepherd nature is interwoven into the narrative as a whole. From the starting point of Jesus' human life, Harris moves to later events portrayed in Jesus' ministry in which he is seen to enact his message as God's faithful Davidic shepherd, in particular, the parable of the Lost Sheep and the Zacchaeus pericope (19:1-10). Harris uses this latter encounter to underline that Jesus may be hailed as a King by the crowds as he enters Jerusalem, but he is not simply a king. He is God's Davidic Shepherd King, as prophesied in Micah 5 and Ezekiel 34, who brings the gospel of peace and salvation to the earth.

Justes, justice, justification : harmoniques Pauliniennes dans l'Evangile de Luc
ISBN: 9783110460179 9783110462098 9783110461237 3110460173 3110462109 3110462095 3110461234 Year: 2016 Volume: 220 Publisher: Berlin De Gruyter

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L’exégèse historique soulignait l’abîme théologique entre le kérygme paulinien et l’histoire du salut racontée par Luc. L’avènement des méthodes synchroniques et la mise en question par la New Perspective du «paulinisme» de la recherche permirent de rendre justice au génie lucanien pour lui-même. Le dossier des rapports théologiques entre les deux corpus mérite toutefois d’être rouvert: Luc n’intègre-t-il Paul qu’au titre de figure identitaire dans les Actes, ou son récit global est-il travaillé en profondeur par la théologie de l’apôtre? Après avoir résumé l’histoire de la question et posé les bases herméneutique de sa démarche, C. Singer s’en tient à un examen de l’évangile, dégagé, donc, du problème de la fiabilité historique des Actes. À partir d’un point de contact littéraire entre Luc et Paul est repéré le déploiement narratif du thème de la justice. Luc opère un déplacement par rapport au creuset du judaïsme hellénistique auquel il forge son récit. La justice est dévoilée comme prétention humaine et cède la place à la justification. L’éthique acquiert un statut propédeutique à la conversion. Le récit de Luc apparaît ainsi traversé par une cohérence théologique dynamique, analogue à celle des épîtres pauliniennes. Re-opening the file "Luke and Paul" in a hermeneutic and theological light, far from the historical problems linked to the Acts of the apostles, Christophe Singer picks up throughout the third Gospel the narrative development of a fundamental theme of Paul's Kerygma : justification. Luke's account appears here much closer theologically to Paul's letters than generally conceded by a historico-critical interpretation.

Luke the historian of Israel's legacy, theologian of Israel's Christ
ISBN: 9783110255393 3110255391 9783110255409 9783110391961 3110391961 3110255405 9783112189498 3112189493 Year: 2016 Volume: 182 Publisher: Boston

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David Moessner proposes a new understanding of the relation of Luke’s second volume to his Gospel to open up a whole new reading of Luke’s foundational contribution to the New Testament. For postmodern readers who find Acts a ‘generic outlier,’ dangling tenuously somewhere between the ‘mainland’ of the evangelists and the ‘Peloponnese’ of Paul—diffused and confused and shunted to the backwaters of the New Testament by these signature corpora—Moessner plunges his readers into the hermeneutical atmosphere of Greek narrative poetics and elaboration of multi-volume works to inhale the rhetorical swells that animate Luke’s first readers in their engagement of his narrative. In this collection of twelve of his essays, re-contextualized and re-organized into five major topical movements, Moessner showcases multiple Hellenistic texts and rhetorical tropes to spotlight the various signals Luke provides his readers of the multiple ways his Acts will follow "all that Jesus began to do and to teach" (Acts 1:1) and, consequently, bring coherence to this dominant block of the New Testament that has long been split apart. By collapsing the world of Jesus into the words and deeds of his followers, Luke re-configures the significance of Israel’s "Christ" and the "Reign" of Israel’s God for all peoples and places to create a new account of ‘Gospel Acts,’ discrete and distinctively different than the "narrative" of the "many" (Luke 1:1). Luke the Historian of Israel’s Legacy combines what no analysis of the Lukan writings has previously accomplished, integrating seamlessly two ‘generically-estranged’ volumes into one new whole from the intent of the one composer. For Luke is the Hellenistic historian and simultaneously ‘biblical’ theologian who arranges the one "plan of God" read from the script of the Jewish scriptures—parts and whole, severally and together—as the saving ‘script’ for the whole world through Israel’s suffering and raised up "Christ," Jesus of Nazareth. In the introductions to each major theme of the essays, this noted scholar of the Lukan writings offers an epitome of the main features of Luke’s theological ‘thought,’ and, in a final Conclusions chapter, weaves together a comprehensive synthesis of this new reading of the whole.

Luke's literary creativity
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780567665829 0567665828 9780567665836 0567665836 0567665895 9780567665898 Year: 2016 Volume: 550 Publisher: New York

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A combination of two classic discussions in New Testament scholarship, the contributions in this volume shed light on the still unsolved synoptic problem by using the well-coined concept of rewriting to describe the relationship between the synoptic gospels. The contributions work with the hypothesis that the synoptic tradition can be conceived of as a process of rewriting: Matthew rewrote Mark and Luke rewrote Mark and Matthew. This approach to the synoptic problem dismantles the grounds for the otherwise widely accepted two-source theory. If it can be shown that Luke knew Matthew's Gospel the Q-hypothesis is superfluous. One group of articles focuses on the general question of Luke's literary relation to the other gospels. In these essays, the concept of rewriting describes Luke's use of his sources. The second part of the collection examines a number of texts in order to shown how Luke rewrites specific passages. In the final section the contributions concern Luke's relation to Roman authorities. It is shown that Luke's literary creativity is not limited to his predecessors in the gospel tradition. Rewriting is his literary strategy

Luke's Christology of divine identity
ISBN: 9780567662910 0567662918 9780567662903 056766290X 9780567665492 0567665496 Year: 2016 Volume: 542 Publisher: London, UK New York, NY, USA

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Jesus Christ --- Person and offices. --- Divinity. --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- 226.4 --- Evangelie volgens Lucas --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- ‏عيسىٰ‏ --- Acts (Book of the New Testament) --- Acts of the Apostles --- Chongdo haengjŏn --- Sado haengjŏn --- Luc (Book of the New Testament) --- Lucas (Book of the New Testament) --- Luka (Book of the New Testament) --- Lukan săn zăn︠g︡g (Book of the New Testament) --- Lukas (Book of the New Testament) --- Luke (Book of the New Testament) --- Lūqā (Book of the New Testament) --- Nuga pogŭm (Book of the New Testament) --- Ruka den --- Ruka ni yoru fukuinsho --- Jesus Christ - Person and offices. --- Jesus Christ - Divinity.

Basileia bei Lukas : Studien zur erzählerischen Entfaltung der lukanischen Basileiakonzeption
ISBN: 9783451349867 3451349868 Year: 2016 Publisher: Freiburg Im Breisgau Herder

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Kingdom of God. --- 226.4 --- God, Kingdom of --- Eschatology --- God (Christianity) --- Evangelie volgens Lucas --- Jesus Christ --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- ‏عيسىٰ‏ --- Kingdom. --- Bible. --- Acts (Book of the New Testament) --- Acts of the Apostles --- Chongdo haengjŏn --- Sado haengjŏn --- Luc (Book of the New Testament) --- Lucas (Book of the New Testament) --- Luka (Book of the New Testament) --- Lukan săn zăn︠g︡g (Book of the New Testament) --- Lukas (Book of the New Testament) --- Luke (Book of the New Testament) --- Lūqā (Book of the New Testament) --- Nuga pogŭm (Book of the New Testament) --- Ruka den --- Ruka ni yoru fukuinsho --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Luke [Evangelist] --- Kingdom of God

The saving cross of the suffering Christ
ISBN: 3110475820 9783110475821 9783110477115 9783110475906 3110477114 3110475901 9783110477122 3110477122 Year: 2016 Volume: 223 Publisher: Berlin

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What is the place of the cross in the thought of the third evangelist? This book seeks to show the central significance of the death of Jesus for Luke's understanding of (1) how salvation is accomplished and (2) what it means for Jesus to be the messiah. Whereas previous authors have helpfully attended to individual motifs within Luke's account of the passion, this book takes more of a wide-angle approach to the topic, moving from the very first allusions to Jesus' rejection at the beginning of Luke's gospel all the way through to the retrospective references to Jesus' death that occur throughout the speeches of Acts. By focusing on the inter-relationship of the various parts that form the whole of the Lukan portrayal of Jesus' death, Wilson proposes fresh solutions to several of the intractable exegetical disputes related to the place of the cross in Lukan theology, thereby helping to situate Lukan soteriology within the broader context of Jewish and Christian belief and practice in the first century.


Salvation --- Biblical teaching --- Jesus Christ --- Crucifixion --- Bible --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Biblical teaching. --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Jezus --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- عيسىٰ --- Acts (Book of the New Testament) --- Acts of the Apostles --- Chongdo haengjŏn --- Sado haengjŏn --- Luc (Book of the New Testament) --- Lucas (Book of the New Testament) --- Luka (Book of the New Testament) --- Lukan săn zăn︠g︡g (Book of the New Testament) --- Lukas (Book of the New Testament) --- Luke (Book of the New Testament) --- Lūqā (Book of the New Testament) --- Nuga pogŭm (Book of the New Testament) --- Ruka den --- Ruka ni yoru fukuinsho --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- 226.4 --- 226.4 Evangelie volgens Lucas --- 226.4 Evangile de S. Luc --- Evangelie volgens Lucas --- Evangile de S. Luc --- Bible teaching. --- Religion --- ‏عيسىٰ‏ --- ישועה --- الخلاص --- Soteriology --- Economy of God --- Christianity --- נצרות --- Иисус Христос --- ישו, --- عيسى بن مريم --- Jesus Christus --- Masih --- Gesu --- Gesu Cristo --- Jezis --- Iesous --- Iesous Christos --- Iesous, --- Kristos --- Hisus Kristos --- Yeshua ben Yosef --- Ieso Kriste --- ישוע בן יוסף, --- New Testament. --- הברית החדשה. --- ביקורת, פרשנות וכד' --- Salvation - Biblical teaching --- Jesus Christ - Crucifixion - Biblical teaching --- Crucifixion. --- kerygma. --- passion narrative. --- soteriology.

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